Would anyone actually use a textboard if I started one? If not, what about an imageboard? A caveat for the latter is that NSFW lolisho imagery would be banned. I prefer to mitigate the possibility of getting v& by the Leafistani feds for an anon having a Varis moment.

t. Intending on selfhosting

Addendum: My choices of software for text and imageboard respectively are awoo and jschan

@waifu Aside from Captcha (jschan has a good built-in one), I'm unfamiliar with spam mitigation techniques aside from IP bans + DDOS mitigations (possibly). If you have any suggestions or resources I'll happily take them.

@Tadano @waifu I think you can limit the number of threads that can be created per a specific amount of time.


@Tadano @waifu I don't know. I never administrated an imageboard. I just know it's a feature of vichan because Mark used it for vch.

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