Fucking knew that I should've married my cousin.
I'm 95% sure I know the place they're talking about and my family is from there.

@raccoon here is the article! https://archive.is/CWdXY

I am not endorsing it but apparently it turns out that genetically marrying your cousin is not as risky as it was once thought.
This is how animals go from endangered to reintroduction. Some animals drop to less than 1000, and in breeding programs, there are very small pools of animals to breed. A lot of the offspring are deformed and die. But this also means the ones that survive are missing all of those terrible recessive traits.

Animals on the brink of extinction, that bounce back, are often much more resilient, because they've dropped all the bad evolutionary baggage.

@djsumdog @raccoon @Moon This is exactly how bedbugs became an even bigger nightmare after they were almost eradicated back in the 1950s.

I think that was mostly due to learning that DDT caused birth defects and we had to stop using it.

@djsumdog @raccoon @Moon They almost went extinct during that time, but the ones that survived apparently are more resistant to pesticides (including the ones that aren't banned) and can hold more blood.

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I fucking hate bed bugs. I've picked some up once from an AirBnB in Holland, and from a Hostel in LA. Both of those times I was on the road and just washed everything at the next stop on hot and was rid of them. Once I picked some up from a Motel 8 and those took like ~4 weeks to get rid of. The worst was a Motel 6 in Georgia and those were insane; took over 2 years to finally get rid of them. Ended up having to using something called Aprehend, a spore suspended in an oil that the bugs will carry to where they harbor and spread to the other ones.

FYI, If you do get bed bugs, normally Crossfire is all you need, plus washing everything on hot and drying it for 2 hours on hot, plus some diatomaceous earth sprayed into all the cracks in your room.

I fucking hate bed bugs.

@hootsmcboots @raccoon @djsumdog @Moon That smiley face water tower looks familiar. It seems like I passed by that town before.

@xianc78 I don't remember where I got it from; something random on a forum I think. If you remember what town it's from, I'd like to know.

@djsumdog @raccoon @Moon I had them two years ago. Washing everything on hot didn't work. I sprayed rubbing alcohol in places where they were nesting and laying eggs. It dissolves their exoskeletons and causes them to dehydrate.

I got infested after I picked them up off a bus. I likely sat where a homeless guy had been sitting.
@xianc78 @djsumdog @raccoon @Moon there's also plants that naturally developed a resistance to roundup no joke
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