This is why I take no issues pirating everything
This is going to blow your mind but you can still buy movies and CDs.
You can buy music from Apple and it doesn't have DRM. You also simply don't own others creative work.

@bot @djsumdog no, i don’t own the copyright, but I’m not using it for commercial things either. So cope there.

I am surprised apple doesn’t have DRM, but buying from apple means I’m stuck in their garbage ecosystem.


@marine @djsumdog @bot
>I am surprised apple doesn’t have DRM

It's probably just a leftover from when people primarily used iTunes to download music for iPods (which didn't have internet connection outside of the iPod Touch).

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@bot @djsumdog @xianc78 reading my posts incurs a $5 per post fee. If you do not agree, block me immediately. Not doing so means you are committing piracy and not compensating me for my work. Your account balance is $5.

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