Love how the BSD-2-Clause has a no-warranty-screaming section that's visibly longer than the rest of the license.
@xianc78 Maybe you should read the no-warranty close because I definitely do not want to distribute any software without one, specially given the bullshit happening around software "supply chains".

@lanodan Tiny License does have a no warranty clause. It's just one sentence.

"There is no warranty."

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@xianc78 I wouldn't be surprised that you'd need to much more explicitly deny it.
Laws often are written by the same people as the ones in deeply proprietary corporations.

Like EUPL-1.2 has even got "This disclaimer of warranty is an essential part of the Licence and a condition for the grant of any rights to the Work." and I'd be surprised if there wasn't a good reason for them to add it.
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