Let's be real here. If it weren't for mass surveillance and backdoors, nobody would care about FOSS.

@xianc78 I think I would still care, but it is true that FOSS has become very much more important, even critical, due to all the internet-related badness going on these days. FOSS is the only way to at least try to not be owned.


@eliasr It does have it's advantages, but I have always been skeptical of the movement ever since I first heard about it.

Like, Stallman's goal of wanting all software to be libre is unreasonable and impossible. Just look at all the video games whose source code is lost to time. Even if you abolished copyright or make it so that copyright can't be applied to software those games will never be FOSS for that reason, though maybe decomps could fix this, but that doesn't guarantee it will make a 1:1 copy. Also, there are so many obscure games and other software out there that it isn't reasonable to assume that someone will decompile them all.

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