@Invictus @amerika dont care. Cant opt out so still slavery. Im an adult. I dont need a parent's protection. Again, Somalia is more appealing.

@amerika @Invictus monarchy IS totalitarian. By definition. But why even try, cuz all this infantile fear porn about what MIGHT happen. We have documented proof of what DOES happen, under every form of governance ever tried. Your concerns are hypothetical, mine are proven time and again throughout history

@thetruthaddict @Invictus

Democracies last about two centuries. Anarchist societies do not even make it that far.

@amerika @Invictus dont fucking care.and certainly dont care about democracies. How many times can I say Somalia in its current state is preferable for me? I would rather try and fail than never try, but I know that's a foreign concept to people. Just like being 100% responsible for one's life is an utterly terrifying concept to people. The state, any state, any form, would want me dead. A bitch ass faggot king would be no different

@thetruthaddict The king isn't going to like that kind of talk from you...


@Invictus @amerika becasue anyone who would want to be a king (or any type of ruling authority) is a bitch ass control freak and mental defective

@thetruthaddict not true, there have been many more great kings than bad ones, you just only hear about the bad ones. @amerika

@Invictus @amerika dont care. I dont want a good king either. Still bondage that cannot be opted out of. What is so fucking hard to understand? I do not care to be in your cult. Please explain why a person must be ruled by anybody. Please explain why I should not be able to opt out of it all. No form of rule is appealing. I dont give a fuck if it was my best friend. You want an all powerful daddy, that's fine. I don't and there literally nothing you or anyone will ever say to change my mind

@thetruthaddict Who is stopping you from living in your utopia in the woods? No one. You're like the communist in the US demanding and end to capitalism but won't go move to a communist country.

Dude, no one is stopping you. Go live in the woods.


@Invictus @amerika so what's stopping YOU from going where there is a king? Fucking most cucked response one could ever give. Pure faggotry, but to be expected.

@thetruthaddict Because I don't have enough money to move to Monaco or Liechtenstein.

Why are you so hostile, have I disrespected you in any way? Seems like a counterproductive way to convince me of your ideas.


@Invictus @amerika Dont tell me to move or compare me to a commie. That's up there with racist, sexist or any other NPC response to someone of different ideals.

@thetruthaddict Most would like to live in a society with law and order, not a free for all or the Wild West. Anarchism is about as short-sighted, unrealistic, and as farcical as it gets.


@Invictus @amerika pk now its 100% clear you have no concept of what anarchy is. And the Wild West is as much a myth as Big Foot.

@Invictus @thetruthaddict @amerika Tell the bees and the trees God wants them to elect a leader. :lol: God must be so pissed.

@thechase Bees have a queen, they have hierarchy... We see this in nature and is evidently natural and essential. @thetruthaddict @amerika

@Invictus @thechase @amerika and I am sure there are more than enough who feel the way I do about those same cops. Just because you haven't felt the brunt of their presumed authority, does not mean they dont wield it upon others. They arrest people for pot I assume. So that makes them horrible people. They stop people over arbitrary traffic 'laws'. They are bad people. The job requires enforcing unjust laws. Good people do not do that

@thetruthaddict @Invictus @thechase

Yes, they do:

1. They elect people to pass the laws.
2. They either challenge the laws or accept them.

Most Americans want pot to be illegal.
@thetruthaddict @Invictus @thechase

It's not licking boots to point out how the political system works.

If the voters approve candidates who ban the weed, then the voters have enacted their will.

@amerika @Invictus @thechase you are proving my entire point that all you state cucks are fine with ideals being forced at gun point. My fucking god, so people want pot illegal that mean my life should be ruined forever over it? You ever live with a felony attached to your fucking name? Doubtful, so shut the fuck up about this.

@thetruthaddict You are simply lashing out... You haven't offered a single good argument aside from the fact that you are butt hurt.

@amerika @thechase

@Invictus @thetruthaddict @thechase

The anarchists are all individualists.

They want what they want and they do not want anything to tell them they cannot have it.

Basically termites.

@amerika @Invictus @thechase @thetruthaddict Not all of them, at least in theory. Collectivist anarchists (AnComs, AnSynds, and National Anarchists) exist, but admittedly, it's no different than direct democracy.

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