Wrist games NEED to make a comeback. There should be a wrist form-factor handheld console solely dedicated to these types of games. They don't need to be full-fledged games. Just have them be simple minigames as companions to full console or PC games, something like the Dreamcast VMU or the Japan-only Sony PocketStation and have it interact with a console or PC via Bluetooth, USB, or micro-SD cards.

Just please don't add any botnet features like GPS or cellular communication.


This is why I hope that one day Ioncom will earn enough money to enter the video game hardware business. Ioncom Watches would be a hot seller, given their niche market. Now you can play the latest indie games in math class or at the wedding of the family member you don't care about.

Coming soon when I have the money and find some SBC that can fit inside a watch (if any exist).

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