
Remember being told that this culture war shit was nothing but a passing fad?

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@xianc78 bro like if you ignore them they'll go away just ignore them bro

-shit I heard years ago
@xianc78 the reason I stay in this side of the web is I lost most of my fake online friends to this shit lmao
@PurpCat @xianc78 Arguing over the culture war has become more tiring than any job now. I just pretend that it's 2010 and none of this shit ever even happened. It's been working until I played a newer COD game; Asian women fighting in the Swiss Alps got me worked up again.
@PurpCat @xianc78 To be fair, Halo depicts brown people as advanced in the future as well. Mombasa, I think. It's a common trope in normie futurist settings.
@Forestofenchantment @PurpCat @xianc78 Don't (((IGNORE))). Get out and fucking fight. Storm the missile silos and launch the nukes.

It only ends with the complete extermination of all non-whites, fags, and defectives.


@PurpCat I just want to talk about my hobbies, but now communities are either tranny hug-boxes or TND edgelords.

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