I fucking hate the word "y'all" and I really hate that even non-southern Americans are using it.

@xianc78 Seconded. Fuck's sake.

People used to use it to add some redneck/salt-of-the-earth effect to their speech, and it was an annoying affectation back then. Then the last few years it's gotten picked up by scoldy social justice types that want to sound *ahem* "urban". Every other word that comes out of their mouths sounds like "New England prep school" and then they say "y'all" and it grates on the ears.

@p I've always say "you guys", but that's not acceptable anymore because it's "gendered language". The whole thing makes me wish modern English had two separate second-person pronouns for singular and plural.

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@xianc78 @p "you guys" is standard here in the Midwest, sometimes just "you" and the plurality is implied by context. My roommate is from Pittsburgh and says "yinz" all the time.

> but that's not acceptable anymore because it's "gendered language".

Yeah, I think nobody actually cares but lunatics. Maybe it's because of where I live, but I didn't ever have to stop saying "you guys".
@p @xianc78 I like "hey gang" or "hey brothers and sistas"
@jesu @xianc78 Just use a series of racial slurs, then no one will hassle you when you say "Ah, fine, I'll just say 'you guys' instead of 'what up my crackas'." :bruceforsythe:
@p @jesu @xianc78 I tried this approach with "moba" by borrowing the 4chan backronym for it, but it hasn't caught on yet.
@p @xianc78 "Hey cracker, we're going down to the park for a pick-a-nick, can you pass the nilla wafers? thanks cracker!"
@p @xianc78 crackers also like hamburgers, hot dogs, potato chips, and nilla wafers, cracker

@p @xianc78 "you guys" is kind of foreign to me, I use y'all not southern and how I normally sound because I'm lazy.
The other way is like All of you, audiya , sounds like audios which is like Spanish or something so I avoid it to avoid confusion.
I don't really know what my accent is, I just know it's not really southern or boomhauer type, nor Baltimore.

@gentooP @xianc78

> "you guys" is kind of foreign to me,

This is interesting but does require some at least vague explanation of the region.

> I don't really know what my accent is, I just know it's not really southern or boomhauer type, nor Baltimore.

I thought my accent was messed up due to having lived in other states for a big chunk of my yoof, but this placed me firmly in Los Angeles: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/upshot/dialect-quiz-map.html . (I don't know if it still works, I took it years ago.)

@p @xianc78 The link doesn't work, it wants me to sell my soul to the devil for some reason

@xianc78 @p a funny life hack is you're actually allowed to say whatever you want no matter what internet cry babies say
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