I hate how neutrality is just dead. How every single person who runs an organization has to take stances on the CURRENT THING™️. I don't wanna know what you think about the war. I don't wanna know what you think about faggotry, I shouldn't have to know. I'd rather things be neutral than based.

@PurpCat @Reluctant_Weeb That's what I really hate about the whole trans/non-binary issue. There is literally no way to be neutral or silent on it. At least with something like same-sex marriage, you can work with gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, and say nothing about your beliefs (unless you are bullied to say it). When it comes to the transgender issue, you have to choose whether to refer to them by their "preferred pronouns" or the pronouns corresponding to their biological sex.

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@xianc78 @Reluctant_Weeb this is by design and has eroded peoples attempts at being neutral more than the Nazis in Virginia did.
@xianc78 @PurpCat @Reluctant_Weeb And worse, so many have been conditioned to think others want them dead if they don't use them/perceive them the way they want to be perceived. Like, the whole thing is only even an issue because the shit that movement demands you think is real isn't yet possible.
@GD5426 @Reluctant_Weeb @PurpCat @xianc78 It's a doctrine that people has been gaslight into believing is "innate" by retroactivelly appropriating history. Dysmorphia, AGP, and etc are issues that manifest in history but not transgenderism. It essentially grew to be the dominant mode of "care" because it cheats by enabling these behaviors, instead of actually addressing them.
@SockPuppet @Reluctant_Weeb @PurpCat @xianc78 And anyone dealing with that shit has to actively avoid mentioning it unless they want empty affirmations instead of actual help.
@GD5426 @Reluctant_Weeb @PurpCat @xianc78 I basically know if i mention anything to a doctor I'm going be funneled into "transitioning". I essentially dealt with my issues by constant shaving. For me i came to realize it's less of a sex issue and more sensory.

Body hair is an torment for a lot of autists and HRT is less "gender affirming" but simply blocks certain sensory triggers. Isn't really limited only to the male sex, a lot female autists also constantly shave for sensory reasons.
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