I should add, stuff like CAD programs no longer support Linux, period.

Sure there's FreeCAD but that isn't going to get you the job, and part of why FOSS advocates complain about piracy is because the wagie job uses it, and your pirated copy of Adobe/Solidworks/Catia is going to get you a nicer job than kdenlive or FreeCAD.

Let's be honest, many people who pirated Flash and Vegas back in the day in the early YT community went on to have some crazy careers. That guy who cut his teeth on a pirated copy of Vegas is now producing news reports and other crazy shit, flash animators went on to make their own TV shows after the Newgrounds era, and of course even Deltarune referenced a famous keygen song. Keygen songs have tons of views on YT because nobody who was a broke NEET paid for their shit in that era.

But using Linux with kdenlive? Maybe the FSF will hire you...eheheh



@Pawlicker Blender's built-in video editor seems like the go to choice for video editing on Linux right now. My brother uses it for video editing and he's a Windows user.

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