RobertKennedyJr: "...I will sign another executive order directing the US Treasury to purchase 550 Bitcoin daily until the US has built a reserve of at least 4 million Bitcoins."


>Not Monero
Controlled opposition confirmed.

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@xianc78 @TylerAbeoJordan Bitcoin Magazine may lack in many important aspects but at least Mark detected this bitcoin-dollar scheme. The dollar is becoming more worthless by the day thanks to the end of the petrodolar and the fall of american industry. The Fed needs something new to back it up so it can keep on issuing dollars like a looney so the US wants american institutions to grab as much crypto (mainly bitcoin) to make the crypto market dependent on the dollar, and issue dollars to neobanks that in turn issue dollar pegged stablecoins (such as USDT, USDC, etc.) which are one of the main currencies used in exchanges. I can confirm this at least for MEXC, surely many others work similarly.

@santiagolmtz @xianc78

It's another excuse to print massive amounts of money - to buy bitcoin.

Those who don't dump their dollars for bitcoin and real assets are going to lose their shirts holding dollars and US bonds.

Interest rates will go to the moon as well - or the FED will begin "yield curve control" - buying bonds on the secondary market.

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