sniffs "did you put on deoderant?"

@shibao Deodorant and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race

@scathach @shibao just washing with plain soap works fine. odor isn't nearly as bad when you don't kill off all the good bacteria with crazy stuff.

@bonifartius @shibao @scathach nope. it depends on genetics and it may smell really disgusting. there're deodorands that don't smell, though, no need to put on killer perfumes on yourself.

@iron_bug @bonifartius @shibao @scathach Just use baking soda like I do. It's much cheaper and a lot less toxic.

@bonifartius @xianc78 @shibao @scathach and hundreds times less effective. I prefer quality result instead of self-conviction in doubtful methods. I use Vichi anti-perspirant deodorants and I like the effect they have.
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