Baest will (not) be shutting down on November 8th.

Why? A few reasons.

1. This is getting expensive and time consuming to run.

2. God has other plans for me and trying to continue running all of this would hold me back.

3. I want to spend less time on the internet.

4. I'm a very different person and in a much different situation from when I started.

One of the main reasons I started running a fedi instance was I had a bunch of free time because I couldn't work.

I've had a great time and met lots of wonderful people.

Honestly, if it weren't for fedi I'm not sure where my life would be but probably somewhere very different and not as good. I know I wouldn't be able to give Cornbread a home.

I want to thank everyone for hanging in here with me all this time. I'm sorry I'm shutting it down. This isn't an easy decision to make and I do feel guilty about it.

Don't worry, I'm not leaving fedi and I really hope this doesn't cause any Baest users to leave fedi. I just have more important things I need to focus my time and money on. I'm at least going to make it through the election, though.

Thank you for letting me be a part of all of this for all of these years. I am extremely thankful.

Edit: it seems revolver will be ready before then so @p will migrate Baest to revolver so nothing will go away. Beast will just become fully decentralized. The West hasn't fallen after all.

@j Will this affect the other services that you are running?

@j Good because you are running one of the least bad email services right now.

@xianc78 I just set it and forget it. I never touch it. The server is configured to auto install security updates and live patch the kernel.

Luckily it's on a stable node from fran because I use luks2 disk encryption.

@j Just to let you know that registrations have been disabled for a while. I'm not sure if that is a result of the auto install or if it was a deliberate decision.

@xianc78 registrations are permanently closed because someone decided to send a bomb threat

@j I'm starting to think that there is a deliberate attempt to ruin every private email service using bomb threats and other illegal shit. went invite-only for a while because of it and I've heard of other services resorting to either going invite-only, manually approved registrations, or shutting down entirely.

This is why we can't have nice things.

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@xianc78 @j I think it's the low barrier of entry.

GMail and the big dogs, aside from working with the feds, also ask for everything. If you're going to do illegal shit, it's very easy to make a burner email with cockli/proton/similar. Proton users are outed by the recovery e-mail that they do keep on file as an example.

There are a lot of fucked up people online, but a better way of putting it is for those people the "no bad tactics" mindset really does hit hard. I mean, just look at the Torswats shit. These guys were literally swatting government officials for the thrill of it, in between swatting some random retard who was featured on a Jim stream.

@PurpCat @j This, along with CP spam is what's going to kill the independent Internet. Sure they're might be some people who do this for their enjoyment, but I bet there are some glowies out there who are taking advantage of the situation (remember that Google is literally a CIA creation).

@xianc78 @PurpCat @j No it won't. What this had killed was the possibility of something like /i/. The independent internet still exists an will exists as long you can host a website for the price of a can of sugar water. but you can't find it.
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