@wowaname @BeedleDave it hasn't been working right for a long time, I haven't been able to follow people for months.

@wowaname @BeedleDave @sun Can you really blame him for leaving the Fedi. Here, he gets cancelled by Pleroma and Akkoma devs, and dogpiled by Poast users. Meanwhile, the Nostr community embraces him with open arms and he got to go to Nostr conventions because of it.

@xianc78 @wowaname @BeedleDave I don't blame him at all for following the money and influence but he wasn't blameless in those conflicts.

@sun @wowaname @BeedleDave I honestly don't know the full extent of those conflicts as I was never a dev for any Fedi software nor an instance owner/admin.

But as someone who has experienced both networks, Nostr seems to align more with the vision he had for the fedi.

@xianc78 @wowaname @BeedleDave I believe he left because he got a nostr grant and it was for more money than he was getting from the Fedi. This isn't a slam on him, we all have to make a living. I think another factor is that he is in much more control of his fate and is making his own way and his own name there.

@sun @wowaname @BeedleDave
>he got a nostr grant
Was it from Jack Dorsey? He immediately jumped to Nostr after the failure of BlueSky.

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@wowaname @xianc78 @BeedleDave imo dorsey left the bluesky board because it diverged so far from what he was originally trying to do with it.

@sun @wowaname @BeedleDave BlueSky still relies on centralized servers much like how vanilla bitcoin still relies on the centralized "lightening network". It's no more decentralized than a torrent tracker.

@xianc78 @wowaname @BeedleDave bluesky is a sham but it's growing in popularity and I think it might already be bigger than Fedi in active users.

@sun @wowaname @BeedleDave There were a bunch of Twitter users who threaten to jump ship but I bet most of them will abandon their accounts within a month. Most of them just hate Elon Musk, but for the wrong reasons.

But I wouldn't really care if BlueSky somehow manages to make a dent in Twitter's userbase given what Elon Musk plans to do with it (making it an "everything app" which to me sounds like Digital ID). Granted, BlueSky can still do the same, but I don't expect that to happen any time in the near future.

@xianc78 @wowaname @BeedleDave I actually think a lot of the people on this network should actually be on bluesky, it is a better network for them. Charitably, it has the "better moderation" that they demand. Uncharitably, they aren't built for and don't deserve freedom.

@sun @wowaname @BeedleDave I disagree. It's run by a company and these fedi leftists hate capitalism enough to avoid for-profit services like the plague. Best thing for them is to just have a whitelist of servers to federate.

@xianc78 @wowaname @BeedleDave they won't do that because they are children and need the moderation done for them
if you remember snouts.online, it was filled with the kinds of people who wound up on cohost. with cohost gone it looks like they're headed for bluesky but a few are coming back to fedi
@WALFTEAM I barely ever interacted with any of those pricks. I tolerate furries but not that kind
@sun @xianc78 @wowaname

And it seems to be sucking up most of the shitlibs, which I do not mind at all.
@sun @wowaname @xianc78 @BeedleDave

Certainly bigger than our micro-side of Fedi. We are not the great Fedi of 4 years ago
@xianc78 @sun @BeedleDave i didn't pick that up from skimming the AT protocol spec; which part relies on central servers? big if true because i wanted to try it myself but i won't if it's just gonna be twitter 2.0
@wowaname @xianc78 @BeedleDave the name server and yes the actual purpose of bluesky is to be twitter 2.0 but with reduced legal liability for content while having effectively the same amount of control
@sun @xianc78 @BeedleDave it's called the "name server" in spec? i just wanna see how exactly they use it cus i'm curious how badly they fucked up. reminds me of matrix identity servers if it's at all similar
@sun @xianc78 @BeedleDave thanks yeah i see it here too https://atproto.com/specs/did#blessed-did-methods but it also mentions did:web which relies only on standard dns, correct?
@wowaname @xianc78 @BeedleDave I am familiar with did:web but not how it's used in bluesky, it's possible my info is out of date.
@xianc78 @sun @wowaname Unless something pretty fundamental about the bitcoin protocol has changed, it doesn't rely on lightning. Like yeah, you can do transactions that need lightning, but that by definition is not vanilla bitcoin.

@BeedleDave @wowaname @sun I thought Bitcoin Cash only exists because vanilla Bitcoin wasn't truly decentralized.

@xianc78 @BeedleDave @wowaname @sun bch has a long history at this point. Block size is generally cited as the main difference today. However, the original reason for bch was to avoid segwit (segregated witness) addresses. Block size came a little later. Today bch also has tokens and some smart contract functionality. Full disclosure: I own some bch and continue to buy small amounts of it when I am able.
@xianc78 @BeedleDave @sun bch exists because btc is "more like the gold trade" and tx times are slow. nothing to do with fixing any centralisation
@xianc78 @wowaname @sun

Sort of. bitcoin devs wanted to keep block size small so that anyone could run a node, then build services on top of it to facilitate higher transfer rates. BCC wanted to get those transfer rates *now* by just increasing block size and didn't want to rely on proprietary services for scale.

I saw segwit mentioned, haven't heard that term in a long time.
@ehhh @wowaname @xianc78 @sun

Things have been pretty good. Stopped being a NEET and got a job. Also stopped drinking, went cold turkey and I recently hit my 1-year mark. Sobriety is great, so is having a normal job and a reason to get out of bed. Been pretty content overall, that's the main reason I'm not on as much.

Decided to get back into coding, so I made a leetcode account, been doing dailies and the weekend contests, already hit the Top 10% in contests, now I'm realizing if I had just focused on that when I got out of the service, I'd have been a senior software engineer when the COVID tech boom hit, and might have been a millionaire by now. Bit late to be trying to get into coding now though, doubt most companies would hire a junior in their mid-30s, especially in the current market.

But, when I was brushing up I did automate some workflows at work, and it made me realize that if I found the right *remote* office/admin job, I could automate most of it, and get to where I've got a lot of free time again.

Updating my resume this weekend, already found a couple jobs that would fit the bill, gonna start applying on the weekends, hoping it pans out.
@BeedleDave @wowaname @xianc78 @sun Oh nice nice. I never drink so uhh... Cool! 😁 non-drinking buddies!!

is leetcode like duolingo for coding? lol.

I've been learning Python recently as well. I don't have any plans to use it atm but at least I can read and understand what open-source python-based things can do now if they're not formulas for machine learning, lol. nice that you got a job in this current economy tho. nowadays it seems like winning the lottery is more likely than finding a job that you can actually keep and sustain. And because *we live in a society*, this job recess is spreading to areas outside of IT too. 😕
@ehhh @wowaname @xianc78 @sun

Sort of, though it's a little more serious, in that actual software engineers use them for interview prep, not just casuals trying to learn to code. The problems you're solving can be quick things you can solve in a few minutes once you start to get good, but can also take an hour plus especially when you're new to coding.

Nowadays strong leetcode numbers alone won't land you an interview by themselves, though during the height of the tech boom they could. But grinding leetcode problems will still help a lot with the types of problems you'll be asked to solve *during* the interview to gauge whether or not you know how to code.
@wowaname @xianc78 @BeedleDave @sun It makes for a great containment site for the sort of people that made Twitter awful
@mrsaturday @wowaname @BeedleDave @sun @xianc78 unsupervised teenage girls (who are now childless single millenials)
@mrsaturday @xianc78 @BeedleDave @sun X made twitter awful. it was very easy to avoid whatever issues most people talk about when referring to twitter, and i was using it up until musk made it unusable, tweetdeck got nuked, and the website was an active security issue (can't have X without XSS i guess!)
@wowaname @xianc78 @BeedleDave @sun Nah. Leslie Jones and Hollywood threatening to boycott made Twitter bad, then Tumblr banning porn made it awful. Musk just broke a lot of stuff and then swapped out the furries, armchair antifa, and blue wavers for Qcumbers and other MAGApedes. Both suck and make for a horrible core community.
@mrsaturday @xianc78 @BeedleDave @sun
you're refuting my own lived experience on a twitter account from 2015? dude i just didn't follow retards, it's that easy.
@mrsaturday @wowaname @BeedleDave @xianc78 the ADL orchestrated an advertiser boycott of Twitter and when Elon complained about it they said that claiming that Jews can wreck your business is anti-Semitism. If you didn't think your campaign could hurt Twitter, you wouldn't have done it? I realize that attributing non-malice to the ADL is idiotic, though.
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