
I'm so sick of listening to this whole Elon Musk/H1B situation, but I feel like I'm on the side of Eric S. Raymond when it comes to this issue. The real issue is not due to corporate greed, but rather stupidity because we are in a lose-lose situation.

If I were hiring right now (which I'm not; don't ask), I would definitely hire actual America tech workers who are currently DoorDashing just to get by. You have plenty of young Americans with CS degrees who will happily work for you. Most programmers have been programming long before they even learned how to drive. They have actual passion for the field. They want these types of jobs.

There is also more that goes into tech-jobs than just college degrees or CompTIA certs. It's easier to hire the wrong people because everything is standardized these days. You also need people who think outside the box and that thing can't be certified and that trait is often found in western countries.

Honestly, the HR departments have more power than the CEOs these days. That's why the DEI crowd infiltrated them first. You really need to gut these HR departments and either rebuild them from the ground up. Have a strict "no-nepotism" policy. If you see repeated instances of HR hiring mostly people who are 4th or 5th cousins from the other side of the planet, investigate and fire if need be.

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