do people still use WP or is there better shit? trying to set up my artist site now

@Pawlicker The only alternatives I see being recommended are static-site generators.

@xianc78 @Pawlicker
I second a static site based system. You don't have to play with security or updates. It's up and working, done.


@souldessin @Pawlicker I wasn't personally recommending one, but most of the alternatives to WP that are brought up are static-site generators. I never hear about Drupal or Joomla anymore.

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@xianc78 @Pawlicker
Joomla was last before WordPress. Drupal feel so far behind that v7 is just now going EOL. I remember running each one of those and it was security updates and backups nearly everyday. Meanwhile a business site I made for my mom only needs text updates. It's a shame that there's a need for a homemade solution for contact forms, if you don't want to subscribe somewhere.

I guess you could keep a CMS on auto updates and iframe the contract form.

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