
All these libertarian Twitter accounts are still stuck in 2020/2021 because they still like to post COVID memes for whatever reason.

I mean yeah, it's important that people NEVER forget what the government has done to them, but they don't realize that most people have moved on, unless your name is Jeff Cliff.

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@anonmoose90 No idea. Given that he is also a free/libre software zealot and Richard Stallman has similar views on COVID among other issues, he probably gets them from him.

Also, be very careful about announcing any births because there is a good chance he will scold you for it.

@xianc78 Oh fuck him lol I'll have as many kids as I want as long as third world savages are permitted to exist and continue polluting the planet with their mutagenic savage progeny
eh .. I don't fault them. Most people I know in real life were totally fine with 2020. It's fucking insane. The American Vagabond podcast had on a guy to talk about COVID recently too.

I think it's important to keep this in the consciousness now in 2025. It wasn't about the disease. It was about the absolutely insane amount of control. People who were locked up in Australia. People held down and force injected in some counties. It shows the insane amount of control government had.

Now we have Romania halting elections, South Korea test-firing martial law .. both for made up enemies (Russians, North Koreans) ... it's testing the water. Two psyops on new year too.

I was walking around my old middle school last month and one of these stickers was still down in the old football stadium. Don't forget how insane that was. They're only going to add to it this year 10 fold.

@djsumdog @xianc78

Swiss fed council
- introducing covid measures without mandate
- doing some Ukraine shit with exception laws
- offering a bailout to an electric power company by emergency law (they learned with this one)
- rescuing CS by emergeny law

This never happened before. "Direct democratic direcorate" my ass.

Covid meta in 2025
To be fair, Covid was a traumatic awakening for many. Theres a huge difference between learning about corruption and abuse over decades vs seeing it all for the first time ever up close. People forget that a side consequence of forcing people to stay home is that many had nothing better to do than deep dive why they were doing this to people. I think many people "overdosed on redpills" and that's going to have a lasting effect.

But I'll go further. So much of our "post-pandemic" experience is shaped by decisions, policy choices, and devastation from what was done during those years. I can empathize with those who don't have the luxury of "moving on".

Now for the edgy part. Libertarians (and anarchists) have very little to offer people when the problems have reached such a level where even those who would be otherwise insulated from the problems are now desperate for a quick fix. Abstract principles mean very little when all the people know is misery and betrayal. Those who aim to defend liberalism and our so-called democracies should really consider where things went wrong in 2020/2021...and what their role in it was.

Covid meta in 2025 

>People forget that a side consequence of forcing people to stay home is that many had nothing better to do than deep dive why they were doing this to people. I think many people "overdosed on redpills" and that's going to have a lasting effect.

I think it has less to do with more freetime and more to do with the fact that months into the lockdown (George Floyd riots aside) some international organization that people otherwise would have never cared about announced that the pandemic provided an "opportunity" for a "global reset". I mean, that's just the ultimate form of gaslighting, saying that things will get normal in a few weeks, delay the promise, and say that they won't get back to normal because "it's too great of an opportunity".

>But I'll go further. So much of our "post-pandemic" experience is shaped by decisions, policy choices, and devastation from what was done during those years. I can empathize with those who don't have the luxury of "moving on".

Yeah, I'm in the same situation. I was in my final years of college when it happened. So many graduates were unable to find jobs because they couldn't get internships and not many people were hiring and still aren't hiring. Not to mention the vaccine mandates.

>Libertarians (and anarchists) have very little to offer people when the problems have reached such a level where even those who would be otherwise insulated from the problems are now desperate for a quick fix. Abstract principles mean very little when all the people know is misery and betrayal. Those who aim to defend liberalism and our so-called democracies should really consider where things went wrong in 2020/2021...and what their role in it was.

Well the thing about libertarianism/anarchism/voluntaryism is that the people who subscribe to those ideologies seem to be one of the few people that acknowledge that both parties are corrupt and that voting will change very little (if at all). Sure you could just overthrow the government and start over, but what is preventing that government from becoming corrupt or another shadow government from forming? Maybe we can have a much beefier constitution, but we need better enforcement of said constitution. That's why I like states like New Hampshire, Wyoming, Utah, and Florida because they remember that the 10th amendment exists and they have a right not to enforce unconstitutional laws. I think that amendment should also apply to local governments.

@xianc78 well, the so called pandemic was a pivotal point. the western regimes did apply force to a sizable minority instead of a few people.

the ones who relentlessly beat the drum for "never again" with regards to national socialism are the most feverish proponents of doing 3rd reich shit. they still are pushing for these things, albeit with other "dangers" they want to fight.

@xianc78 i'm pretty sure antinatalists and communists have depression and/or are taking SSRI.

@xianc78 which doesn't mean that depression isn't hell and people should get all the help they want.

i just never met a non-depressed communist.

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