I have been 500 feet (150 meters) beneath the ocean in a dark cave where a single mistake would have killed me instantly. Yet I'd still be more scared to talk to a beautiful stranger at a bar than to go on a dive.. Am I brave or am I coward, I dont even know. I guess the fact that the fear has never stopped me, I still talk to them despite the fear is more important than the fear itself.

To be fair, procedures with equipment that operate as designed make it a comfortable and predictable experience. People on the other hand, fuck knows how this works. Just praise RNGesus things don't escalate.

@xyfdi Yea the risk comes entierly (almost) from the human element. One or two breaths fromt he wrong tank and It would be garunteed death at depth


Well, at least all your problems are not an issue for you anymore. 😉

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