I've been experimenting with Grafana/Prometheus. Do people actually use this instead of Nagios/Cacti/whatever traditional monitoring system? Obviously it's very generalized, but I wonder if it's reasonable for alerting and stuff.

@crunklord420 Having worked with all of the products you've mentioned, what do you wanna know?

As for Prometheus/grafana, it works for simple monitoring stuff. If you wish to add complexity you can look at Prometheus its AlertManager.

@xyfdi do you think using grafana/prometheus is considered edge-case or is that normal use-case? I just checked and saw PagerDuty has integrated support, so I guess there's acceptance.
@xyfdi like it just sometimes feels like it's really not oriented towards that use-case. I have to install these extra modules just to do basic stuff. I had a hard time finding some display panel that make simple 0/1 binary checks look nice, which seems like a really basic thing. It just feels more oriented towards statistics and "data scientists", not sysadmins.

@crunklord420 If something has a prometheus exporter built-in, there is a very big chance someone built a Grafana dashboard for it.

As for data-scientist, not really. This is simple enough retarded app-devs can understand this.

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