Wanna have #digitalsovereignty? The EU should fund the independent nonprofit development of a #FOSS browser (engine) and an open search index.

@ilumium You may be better off discussing this on Twitter. The reason why people come to the fediverse in the first place is because they like their freedom and the decentralized nature of this network. Having some kind of some kind of centralized totalitarian control like the EU may work better on Twitter than here.

@xyfdi Not sure how much you know about the functioning of the EU or which country you're based in, but it would probably help if you looked up the term "totalitarianism" in a dictionary.


@ilumium 80% of the national laws coming from the EU, the ban on effective end-to-end encryption, endless subsidies in shitty projects, the Digital Markets Act that is encroaching on our digital life. The European Identity Wallet my country is pushing for some reason that only looks like even more control over the civilian (Lets ignore the proposal to print of money to subsidize people who cannot pay the CO2 tax levied by the EU because they are to poor). And this is not even touching on Lawful Interception and the great conspiracy theory of the EU army.

There are already cosmopolitan champagne socialists considering themselves as EU Citizens, although non of them can tell you the relevance of that song The Ode to Joy.

I think totalitarianism seems fitting. But its okay to disagree on that.

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