Can't believe I got caught up in again and just now getting to bed

I kinda wanna pull up the craziest shit I've seen on my time on

Junkrat Krampus will soon be mine. I bought five cans of pringles for the free lootboxes. HE WILL BE MINE

Well at least this blocked stuff is because a person doesn't like it and not because advertisers and the government doesn't want me to see it.

I guess just doesn't like bronies? Cause I see another brony mastodon on their block list too??

Ok so apparently some servers like Elekk block other servers?? So I would not be able to follow people from another server on their server. And they've blocked a brony site of all things on the one I'm mainly on??? what even man.

I would go on but fuck that shit about microaggressions???? Seriously if someone says not all men to someone being sexist they're in the wrong now??? Wtf is the matter with you.

I guess this will be where I put my hot takes since this server is so small and doesn't seem to be growing for some reason???


If I ever make a server it would say
No Nazis
No Communists
No Terrorists
Because I'm surprised all three aren't a common rule.

So updated to winter wonderland. Probably unpopular opinion, that's my favorite events.


What is up with communists coming on mastodon? Don't they know communism is all about censoring the populace and centralized control? Like any communist nation like Cuba, China, North Korea would hate mastodon. They have no control over what we say here since they can't force a corporate entity to censor us?
The anarchists are questionable, as long as they aren't violent or terrorists I don't mind them that much.

Anyways I'm not gonna talk about gamegate anymore, I'm just shocked so many people are on a server that mentions it at all lmao

I'm surprised this server doesn't have more people on it. How does one that's anti-gamergate in the year 2018 get over 1000 users but this one has barely 13 people on it????? People so stupid these days

I cannot believe people consider to be alt right. WTF is up with that video games server. It was about game journalist knowing nothing about gaming and some chick sleeping with a dude to get her horrible game good reviews.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.