
Interesting that at the end of the article, they try to make you sympathize with the child murderer (and maybe also rapist) by saying that she was a victim of domestic abuse.

Firstly, she was illegally there, so she should have been deported, something they admit the state is apparently incapable of enforcing (thanks, liberal bureaucracy).

Second, they openly state that Algerians (i.e. the group to which the criminal belongs) are the major bloc that takes advantage of the lax enforcement system, in order to remain illegally. That's setting aside the fact that Algerian-French are a population group in metropolitan France that has one of the highest rates of criminality in general, not even relating to immigration status.

Third, the fact that she was abused by her Algerian spouse should be further evidence not to accept people from cultures that promote that.

Instead, we are told that this is starting a "political debate", as if both sides have valid points.

The only side that has a valid point is the side saying "she should have never been allowed here".

Fucking Christ, I hate seeing this shit. Lola will be forgotten in a matter of weeks, just like all the other children murdered by migrants all over Europe.

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