
As a great example of what I mean by Western anti-Slavic sentiment being ratched-up to new levels, look at how Djokovic is being treated currently, for the "sins" (which weren't really sins at all) of his father.

His dad was videoed with some Russians waving their country's flag (which is banned in most Western states now, essentially), and this was seen as a "crime" (or, perhaps a better term is a "thought crime").

The response was not to focus on the father, but to take the (overblown to the point of lunatic) incident and put it on his shoulders, I guess to make him betray his own blood.

Djokovic, as a Serb, knows instinctively the value of family blood and honor. He chose to risk attack by defending kin.

This is something that, apparently and also regrettably, is lost to the average Westerner, who is only in it for themselves.

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