
I guess you can say my view on "cultural assimilation" is shaped by my experiences from living in the Middle East as a Yte Devil (I joke, they love Ytey over there).

When I was growing up, I was enthralled with the culture, the people, the religion etc... I never sought to learn about that stuff so I could criticize it for alterior motives. As as consequence, I have only good things to say about the Omani people.

Of course, the Middle East is not liberal-"democratic" Europe/America, so that doesn't mean there weren't rules to learn and accept.

I think that's the difference with what we see from recent immigrants and especially their children (who sadly are indoctrinated to hate the country which let them in).

They come here, and then end up criticizing the very country that accepted them, down to its core. Thrusting onto the natives "original sin" style crimes.

Why travel around the World just to criticize your new hosts for not being as "open-minded" as yourself?

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