I was angry, and I'm still angry.

But I think this is quite important for some people here:


I just hope that anyone who sees this realizes just how far society has gone with the "pedophile/pedophilia!!!" charge and the stigma.

It's just like "racist" or any "ist" or "ism".

It is used so often nowadays especially (considering how society has progressed age-restriction wise), many times to publicly destroy innocent people, and not only them, but their families, and their family's families.

Is there actual abuse, rape etc... Of course, just like, if someone goes out and actually hangs a Black person from a tree, yeah, that's uh you know, a "hate crime;a crime of racial/ethnic hatred". That doesn't mean, "White lives don't matter!".

Fuckin' ey.

It's not that hard to stay afloat, people.

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