
Let's just all take a minute to remember that the IDF and Israeli government as a whole has a history; a veritable litany; a tome of text, of actual, unrestrained, brutal rape of all kinds, against adults, against men, against women and girls, against boys (this is a particular target, there is recording of an IDF soldier joking about shooting children in the balls), against the elderly or infirm or disabled.

And what's even crazier, in addition to the prison rape "scandal" (it's systemic, so it shouldn't be seen as an isolated case) which shows male IDF guards/soldiers engaging in sexual violence, you also have many reports of female guards "supervising" or "initiating" the violence at other locations or other times.

So, basically, both Israeli men and women, who are mandated to serve in the IDF or some other defense-related organization, engage in acts of the most gross inhuman sexual violence against an entire people, as a pass-time.

The IDF is a terror-organization. They represent the "terror-state" of Western nightmares (although with a Jewish star, as opposed to an Islamic Crescent).

This is why BDS is important, regardless of your political position. This is why Palestine is important, regardless of your political position.

Palestine represents true nationalism and true liberation.

Israel represents gay "gender-neutral" gang-rape.

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