@thestrongest imagine how much they'll screech if he doesn't get convicted :cirno_sip:
@icedquinn Maybe they'll commit domestic terro- *checks political alignment* I mean a peaceful protest
@thestrongest i like how they are worried about the terrorisms but it's the fucking nat guard and not the hard boys.

it's a fucking joke.

if they seriously believed there was terrorism there would be guns up to the eyeballs in DC right now.

@icedquinn @thestrongest it's just to make the kiddies feel like they are safe.. it's just a big show.

@Antoninus_Pius_IV @thestrongest my favorite part was when congress came one second from an open fistfight :youmusip:

@icedquinn @thestrongest NO WAY, you mean that congress for the first time in a hundred years would have had to *fight* for their salary... I am pretty sure if they knocked down the doors 2/3 would have died from old age.

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@Antoninus_Pius_IV @thestrongest there was a dissing, a little while later someone slams the door open as is like THE GENTLEMEN SAID INSULTING THINGS and nancy was trying to stay awake long enough to tell them to stop, but everyone fucked off from their seats to stand near the hallway where congress came very close to turning in to a geriatric jackie chan movie.

@icedquinn @thestrongest Stay awake, you mean trying to down a shot of Vodka before making a speech about something Trump hasn't done yet.

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