Media calls for accountability for the riots at the capital. Let me know when they want to hold people accountable for the..
1. Patriot act.
2. Pointless wars.
3. invasion of citizen privacy and collection of personal data (NSA)
4. implementation of wasteful fiscal policy and useless spending in foreign countries.
5. lavish salaries and medical care (for congress, and the house) while taking "bribes" from lobbies and large corporations.
6. Infringement of constitutional rights (2A, privacy, religious, 1A)
I am waiting media.
Why does Biden want to waste more tax payer money to use F.E.M.A when the private companies who normally distribute and administer vaccines are perfectly capable of doing this job? Its almost like the government wants to increase its role... and expand.... hmm...
Something must be fundamentally wrong with how people experience business and the market, raising minimum wage for burger flippers is a great way to see a massive reduction in jobs.... How about they take advantage of company programs, get a higher education, go to a trade school, or start their own business?
That's right, I forgot- that's too hard for people to do. Cant wait to see the fed implement a $15 wage. The number of starter jobs is going to exponentially decrease if the minimum wage rises.
Anyone interested?
"A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference." -Thomas Jefferson
This man would be enraged at what this country has become, how the rights of the people are being eroded. I hope that one day we can return to a better time.
A fair and just society. A small government and a people who know their worth. Momento Mori