When are folks going to start spending the time to learn how to use their brains and stop listening to their favorite news network for the "socially accepted principle's & policies"...

@NEETzsche People are getting far to comfortable with big government and not reading anything that they do.

Pius IV boosted
Pius IV boosted

Knowing city workers, some idiot probably downloaded a porn game with a trojan...

Pius IV boosted

@shebang LMAO, can't wait to see much of the same out of the reshuffled shit pile(That is the government at large)...

Pius IV boosted

Media calls for accountability for the riots at the capital. Let me know when they want to hold people accountable for the..
1. Patriot act.

2. Pointless wars.

3. invasion of citizen privacy and collection of personal data (NSA)

4. implementation of wasteful fiscal policy and useless spending in foreign countries.

5. lavish salaries and medical care (for congress, and the house) while taking "bribes" from lobbies and large corporations.

6. Infringement of constitutional rights (2A, privacy, religious, 1A)

I am waiting media.

Pius IV boosted

@cowanon LMAO, fuck gotta love the double standard that comes pre-installed in everyone these days.

Why does Biden want to waste more tax payer money to use F.E.M.A when the private companies who normally distribute and administer vaccines are perfectly capable of doing this job? Its almost like the government wants to increase its role... and expand.... hmm...

Best COVID-19 response plan!

" Eh fuck it, let the businesses and individuals figure out how to best please, protect, and service customers so they feel safe and wish to continue and/or support their business"

At least a private road owner would have an incentive to fill pot holes... I would like to enjoy driving instead of worrying that I'll fail to miss a pothole and my suspension will snap like a twig.

People scream that they cannot afford to live in the city anymore due to rising rent costs, how about you move out to somewhere cheaper and commute like the majority of Americans do. Save your money, invest, and eventually buy your own property.

Something must be fundamentally wrong with how people experience business and the market, raising minimum wage for burger flippers is a great way to see a massive reduction in jobs.... How about they take advantage of company programs, get a higher education, go to a trade school, or start their own business?

That's right, I forgot- that's too hard for people to do. Cant wait to see the fed implement a $15 wage. The number of starter jobs is going to exponentially decrease if the minimum wage rises.

@Kaysas Gotta love politicians who wish to play politics in education and not let a more efficient market create systems that run better.

@orekix Me too. I use SimpleNote to fill the void but its pretty bare bones. I am sure someone has a good replacement.

@Genen This could also work in the opposite manner and that is far more concerning considering how many people do not read their TOS.

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