I haven't cum in over 4 days now 🤪

Balls are aching so good right now. Been edging and leaking precum like a waterfall. Gonna see how long I can last

💦 💦 💦

Possibly Controversial 

You know, I have to get something off my chest. I'm tired of being called a terrible person because I'm pro-c. I'm tired of being lumped in with what a lot of anti-c people think are terrible people. I am not a terrible person and being called a monster just pisses me off.

I'm a caretaker...I don't want to harm people, child or adult. I want to make other people feel good any way I can no matter their age, and I believe that with the right person taking a child under their wing and fostering a loving and caring environment, that a child can indeed be in a relationship with an adult. Children are a lot smarter than most people give them credit for and with the right knowledge are capable of making decisions on their own. Children are curious by nature, it's just how they are. This includes sexual curiosity just as much as anything else.

If a child is a AAM, then there's nothing wrong with them wanting that in their lives. Why should I be told it's wrong when they could just as easily go find someone who's pro-c that wants to harm them? A AAM, in my opinion, would be a lot safer with someone who actually gives two shits about their well being and cares about them. Someone who is loving and supportive.

Does that sound like a monster to you?

In conclusion, I'm a good person. I'm pro-c. I'm not afraid to say it. Anyone is free to disagree with me but I felt this needed to be said. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. :mapflag1:

>A new Pixar movie released

Everyone: Eww, the character design is so awful!

Loli and shota fans:

I'm usually not attracted to big boobs, but sometimes I get the urge to just lay there and use them as pillows
Most incest arguments boil down to “well I think it’s gross”. Ok then just don’t have sex with your family and let others have their fun.

What the FUCK do you mean it's already March 8th. Where the fuck did February go...?


Anyways, Happy international woman's day.
Cis, Trans, Gender fluid; don't care; if you're a lady, *you* know it. And if you know it, today's to you!

One of the hard things I understood as a map activist is that I'm also fighting for bad maps. Maps I don't want around me for whatever reason, the ones that commit CSA, align with antis and doxx, hurt more people in other ways.

Why? Because what I work for is a better future to live in as a map. Not a personal utopia for people I like. Because, whether I like it or no, some maps are gonna be bad people. And the safer it is to be a map, the more bad people will come out about being maps.

I could dig my heel in and find out ways to exclude these people from mapness, come up with more and more intricate definitions of who can be considered a map. But I don't want to, because this is not how identities work, and if I can share being trans with bigots and rapists, I should ditch the double standard I have for mapness and accept that I share this identity with some bad people too.

Trying to define your activism in ways that would prohibit everyone who doesn't meet your standard of purity from benefitting will create a rich ground for abuse, because you will attract people who are specifically interested in exclusionism. We had that in post Tumblr communities, when some people tried to make a jump from "we don't want pro cs" to "we don't want anyone who questions contact stances".

There's also no meaningful pro map social change that would favor only maps that are good people. Such a change would improve life for everyone. So all actions aimed at exclusion aren't activism, but local infighting.

Damn, I just went through the list of people i follow and some of them got suspended, including several who also followed me. I miss my queer pedo friends who got suspended 😭
I guess i just have to be quick about getting the session or discord of the people i want to be friends with on here. I care too much to just keep randomly losing my cool map friends 🥺😤🥲

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