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DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

We need a function so we can search our own posts.

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted


baby sucking on a clit like a nipple is so hot. makes me so wet to think about. especially an enlarged trans clit

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

My partner is so cute. She said she felt badly about wanting to get me a cake as a celebration for me, but she offered me a blowjob instead haha 😛

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

Unpopular opinion, but if you discuss adult people's chests, asses, genitals, etc without a clear permission from them, you have no place talking about whether someone "sexualizes children".

Either there is harm in nonconsensual sexual comments, or there isn't. And if you assume an adult by definition can handle, or should ignore nonconsensual sexual attention, you're a piece of shit.

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

transboys should let transgirls breed their pussies relentlessly so that everyone can save on sperm/egg banking costs

DroidGirl boosted

Friendly reminder that fantasy hurts NO ONE! ~ allow yourself to use fantasy as an open expression for yourself and your feelings! 💋🖤

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted

the language of pro/anti contact with pedophilia seems really really weird to me. im actually a bit unclear, is contact here meant to mean literally any contact with kids? are anti contact people like, insistent pedos shouldnt be allowed near kids or something? or is it just about sex/romantic involvement w kids? what the fuck does it mean to be pro contact? like, you think pedos being in contact with kids or having sex w them isnt just like, not intrinsically immoral, but is in fact good? it feels like ppl use these terms to mean about sex, with the pro contact side being just, thinking its okay, not thinking its somehow virtuous and morally upstanding to fuck kids. a position i would agree with, bcos minors are people and i think its just one of many abhorrent ways we strip children of the autonomy everyone deserves. but the wording of pro and anti contact just feels so confusing and unclear. and unnecessary! it doesnt take many words to say u think kids can or cannot consent, or that u think pedos should or shouldnt be allowed near kids if it really is meant like that too, why even is it necessary to call urself anti/pro-c

DroidGirl boosted
DroidGirl boosted


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