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I colored in a painting that I had left undone.

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>A new Pixar movie released

Everyone: Eww, the character design is so awful!

Loli and shota fans:

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I don’t like “youth oriented” aesthetics wise, but I’ll use it if politically necessary

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Map twitter is way more confusing and chaotic. I mean its good for finding porn and all but im honestly glad i can go here for the social networking stuff instead and not have to worry about (as many) people wanting us to die in a fire

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Kids are natures contraceptives, if you've got too many kids just fuck one of them instead. Just don't let anyone feel left out of the fun.
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@alyssawitchcraft In court proceedings, individuals being persecuted for youth+adult relationships or porn may be forced to be screened by a legal psychiatrist. If this psychiatrist deems the individual to "have pedophillic disorder," this may then be used as corroborative evidence for incrimination, justification for longer (potentially life-long) sentences, and sometimes later on as justification for keeping one imprisoned indefinitely after they would otherwise be released.

This has been articulated by Charles Moser, a sex researcher who has historically critizied the inclusion of "paraphilias" in the DSM. He writes,

"'The diagnosis of a mental disorder should have clinical utility ...for their patients' (APA, 2013a, p. 20). The clinical utility of these diagnoses is questionable. In almost one-half billion office visits to psychiatrists, urologists, general/family/internal medicine physicians, and obstetricians/gynecologists, no diagnoses of Sexual Sadism or Sexual Masochism (previous terms for Sexual Sadism Disorder and Sexual Masochism Disorder) were made (see Krueger, 2010). There is no evidence that Fetishistic Disorder or Transvestic Disorder are diagnosed in the general population either. Mandatory reporting laws limit the number of individuals with criminal Paraphilic Disorders who might seek treatment or be candid with their therapists for fear of being reported to the authorities.

A diagnosis of a Paraphilic Disorder is usually made as part of a court ordered evaluation after an individual is arrested as part of the adjudication process or prior to the individual’s release from prison. If a Paraphilic Disorder diagnosis is made, the diagnosis may be used by the criminal justice system as evidence of the need to incarcerate the individual involuntarily (usually for life) under the so-called Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) statutes. Rather than having any clinical utility for the patient/inmate, the purpose appears to be preemptive incarceration under the guise of treatment supposedly to protect the public."
(Source:, under "Prevtive Incarceration")

A far cry from the separationist branding of the inclusion of pedophilia in the DSM as a helpful tool for benovolent therapists.
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Fantasy, shota 

Five year old twin brothers who are almost identical, but one has a huge cock and the other has a tiny cock (tiny even for a five year old)

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Second casting couch interview with the kids, this time with Baki's chubby mommy Angie

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lgbti asylum seekers and refuges in kakuma Refuge camp need your prayers 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🌈🌈✊
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.