
In light of Uvalde, police in this country need a reminder that the fine print of their job description includes the term "bullet sponge."
Yes, they have to put themselves into the line of fire. Yes, they have to take the risk of getting shot, even to death. Yes, they have to deal with the fact that their profession requires them to put their lives on the line. And all that means going after an active shooter even if outgunned, because every shot aimed at officers is one less aimed at civilians.
You don't—can't—sit on your ass when dealing with perps whose only goal is mass murder. It doesn't matter if they're contained. You neutralize the threat, pronto.
Public safety comes before officer safety. If police can't understand that, then they should let the communities they supposedly serve protect themselves.
I never thought I'd have even the slightest sympathy for the police abolition movement, but there it is.

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