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Think about this whenever you suspect you're sharing the restroom with a transgender woman, ladies.

"You know, I really hate this fuck. This Black Dahlia guy. Have you seen the body? Fucking case just gnaws away at your guts. Hollywood...every prom queen from every fucking hick town in America turns up here. Where do they end up? Gutted on the fucking sidewalk."

M4 Sherman upgraded with 105mm howitzer in action, Pacific Storm map. The big HE rounds have surprising effect against heavy armor at close range, especially when hitting the sides or rear.

A mini-nuke or two in the face is a superb method of preempting conversations leading to violence.

I forgot that enemy NPCs in this game can throw grenades!
Added voice clip from "Freeman's Mind" Episode 23.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.