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If the Ash Heap is Hell, then Skyline Valley is Hell on Earth.

Hot take:
The worst thing to ever happen to the world was the introduction of Abrahamic morality. Differences between them aside, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all make claims to universal, absolute truth—including the applicability of their civil, religious, and ceremonial laws to all people. This is absurd. The entire world, live as ancient Jews—in the case of Christianity, a particular sect of Jews, as if that people, those of which I salute for their endurance in the face of even the most monstrous adversity, hasn't been slandered and persecuted enough over the millennia—or Arabs did? Submit to the dictates of their ethnic gods (which really means, the dictates of their clergy)? One may as well demand that, say, Pashtuns convert to Mexican neoshamanism. I tell you, if the Levitical priests and judges instantly reappeared today, it would serve Christians right to be under their laws. Let's see some uppity, moralizing pastor try to weasel his way out of an adultery charge then!
Saul of Tarsus was no apostle, but an apostate—and a moron! Righteousness indeed comes through the law—and therefore, Christ indeed died in vain (see Galatians 2:21)!
And as for Islam, well...if you are Muslim, don't bother wishing peace upon Muhammad—I doubt he ever will be, considering how the Qureshi essentially took power after his passing, to say nothing of the disrespect and disinheritance given his daughter (poor Fatima!). No, now we have Arab supremacy, the idea of "caliphate," and other evils. When your imam comes to sodomize you, you're just going to have to bend over and take it—especially if he is of Arab heritage, and you aren't.

Good tactic, especially for snipers: shoot one target to wound so he'll call for help, and then...

@coded_artist Oh, I did this just to see it. Didn't save, so I can do the interview for keeps later when I have enough Paragon points for the alignment-based dialogue option. Paragons aren't wusses.

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