Ha ha, dude that's so true.

Except I'm Canadian and my country is just as dumb as the Europeons (seriously, Europeans still overwhelmingly have serf mentalities).

But I've been to the US enough that I know how much better it is there, with only few exceptions.

Exceptions like EVERY BLUE STATE.

@shebang don't worry, the socialists will take over just as you're getting your immigration paperwork stamped.

No way fella

America is on the freedom train again. Trump 2020, Pence 2024, then Trump again 2028 + 2032.

Then we run out of Unix time in 2034 and the universe stops.


@shebang @dave Freedom trains are overrated. Get on board McAfee2020's Freedom Boat

No joke I have a friend who's a huge McAfee fan. Seriously supports him for president.


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