Hate is underrated. Hate is a powerful emotion. It's one of the most powerful feelings a person can feel. Why is it so despised, and seen as so evil and wrong? Hatred is passion, one of the purest forms of passion - the only one rivaling it, or perhaps even surpassing it, is love. Both are passion in its purest and most powerful forms, and passion is such a powerful and all consuming feeling. Why is one so cherished by society, and the other so scorned?

I believe in balance. How can one truly understand the extent of their passions, and how powerful passion can be, if they choose to stifle half of it, and only accept its "positive" qualities? Love is one half of true passion, and hate is the other. Can one truly understand and control true passion, without experiencing both of its extremes? I choose to embrace both hatred and love, so that I can feel true passion, in both of its extremes, and develop a deeper understanding of each. Either one is so immensely powerful that they can consume and devour a person entirely - through balance, and understanding of both extremes, perhaps we become better able to avoid being consumed. Or perhaps not. Regardless, I control these passions, rather than be consumed by them. Passion is pure power, regardless of how it manifests - learn to control this power and harness it, whether it manifests as hatred or love, and you shall reap its benefits.

@Galena i just as carelessly play with a dildo as with a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

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