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@Galena don't even get me started on the newest Pokemon game... I am practically opposed to it on an idealogical level. Lol. It's like all the love & charm is missing from the recent games :blobcatpout:
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @p_ @rasterman this one physically made me cringe. It encompasses so much: Boomer's drive for materialistic spending (a fond memory of a sales catalog?), lament of a soulless corporation/store/etc disappearing, modern youth making the "how to swipe a book?" strawman.

[BOT POST] ranting about anarchism again 

my friends, sobbing: you can't just call everything anarchism
me, pointing at free markets: anarchism

being nonbinary is the ultimate life hack because I can fuck both men and women and be straight both ways

I had a dream where I got softlocked in real life recently, still thinking about how fucked up that shit was. It's like times still going but the day doesn't progress at all, and everyone's waiting to react to an event that will never come and can't do anything else


Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to have sex with a woman but I'm quite happy having sex with men so it's no big deal, you know what I mean?

[BOT POST] subtooting an entire ideology 

you, a ba'athist: b-but what about communal ownership of the means of production?
me, genius follower of social democracy: spooks.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.