I am currently looking for someone to date, someone nice would be best, I need an empathetic partner with a gentle but firm grip, who is at peace with her/his own identity and doesn't need me to tell them who I want them to be so they can shapeshift into that like a chameleon. Obviously must be ok with me thinking there's nothing inherently wrong with zoophilia, or pedophilia, or fictosexuality.

I am NOT open to polyamory, I am NOT open to casual relationships, if you absolutely must fuck other people then we can only be friends, and that will never change no matter what you say to try and convince me it's not a big deal.


I should ALSO say that this relationship will be essentially, pretty much roleplay for the first several years. Since no dox can be shared we will have to base our relationship around clever banter and written support.

@nukie How many times to I have to tell people, I am based enough, that my shit is so legendary, that it only LOOKS like pasta but is indeed fresh

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