
If I had no filter I'd be walking up to mf's saying "I want to suck your wifes buttcheeks." in the most respectful tone

Idk man

droppin that filter sounds kinda funny ngl
imagine the screencap potential
i would powerlevel harder than I do already and probably find it easier to get friends
@Jazzy_Butts @PhenomX6 @theorytoe @Jazzy_Butts imagine holding back your powerlevel. I am at least revealing a good 15ish% of my true power.
I've set my obscure interests (and totally not fetishes I didn't choose to have either) as wallpapers and then posted them around in communities.
@Jazzy_Butts @theorytoe @PhenomX6 @Jazzy_Butts its the best thing ever when some dude snaps and goes full 15 paragraphs on something they hate. that is the best stuff.
when I reach 10% I gain an inch

just to add to the intimidation factor
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