Shitlibs obsession with Trump really gonna fuck everyone over if the weird legal precedents they apparently keep attempting to justify sticks

Apparently this time the jury was unknown to the lawyers, which is extremely abnormal I heard
@coolboymew they don't care about precedent because they don't care about law and order. it's a tribal issue, and they will do whatever they want as long as friendly staff are in key positions.

@icedquinn @coolboymew It will just swing back to the other side, whatever weapons they give themselves the other side will then have access to as well, it will be an escalation into bad things


@icedquinn @coolboymew They should just leave Trump alone, he's a rich human being, he's made mistakes, but to treat him like he's the important issue here while ignoring the handling of the Epstein shit is, if not telling (something can't be telling if there's nothing to tellz, but it doesn't look good the medias relative silence on all that, almost like the people who own those medias might have been visiting Epstein island or doing Epstein-ish things themselves)...just it looks bad. It looks silly. It looks stupid, and obvious, but they don't carez, they have the bludgeon of social media to cancel anyone they want, and don't think Elon or Android Jared are at odds with these people, they're all in the same fucking club, literally, it's theater, they all work together.

@Jazzy_Butts @coolboymew that particular mission is to keep him out of the white house because he could stall the agendas another four years.

they similarly are memory holing RFK because he's declared open war on spooks lol
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