Shitlibs obsession with Trump really gonna fuck everyone over if the weird legal precedents they apparently keep attempting to justify sticks

Apparently this time the jury was unknown to the lawyers, which is extremely abnormal I heard
@coolboymew they don't care about precedent because they don't care about law and order. it's a tribal issue, and they will do whatever they want as long as friendly staff are in key positions.

@icedquinn @coolboymew It will just swing back to the other side, whatever weapons they give themselves the other side will then have access to as well, it will be an escalation into bad things

@Jazzy_Butts @coolboymew not really. this still assumes law and order is functioning. they can, will, and do just handwave why "it's ok when WE do it" because its purely a tribalistic process.

same reason the president can wax poetic about gun grabs while ordering the FBI to cover up his son's illegal weapons felonies
@Jazzy_Butts @coolboymew one continuing problem is the assumption that people are fighting rational opponents who disagree. this is not the case.

they are fighting cia spooks, tribalists, minions of sociopathic billionaires, it's all mission driven. "ethics" and "precedent" are things that burden the conscious of rational agents. that is not what they are. they are given missions to take people out, and find the way to do it, which is how you get absolutely stupid legal theories like "someone being in the white house means we can't find them for the purposes of statutes of limitations."
@Moon @Jazzy_Butts @coolboymew idk. the fact they won't list a crime he supposedly did should be enough to kill the case on summary dismissal.
@Moon @Jazzy_Butts @coolboymew its real "you human trafficked but there are no victims or clients" energy

@icedquinn @coolboymew @Moon They're boasting just hours ago now about how he was "found liable" in a "sex abuse" case, 2mil he has to pay the victim, they were very particular about their wording on air, "sex abuse" not "sex assault", they stumbled and corrected a few times, probably don't want to get sued.

@Jazzy_Butts @icedquinn @coolboymew I don't actually know much about this, it's so hard to keep the energy to read about this garbage.
@Moon @Jazzy_Butts @icedquinn I usually only get this kind of news from stupidpol, as usually these kind of stupid news are 100% entirely bullshit politics that's just gonna fuck over everyone

@coolboymew @icedquinn @Moon I could see him leaving a message on their box "I will sue your balls off if you say I sexually assaulted someone, I will take them in the settlement, I will pay any amount and it won't be cruel and unusual, balls, mine, sue, sex abuse not sex assault *click"

@coolboymew @icedquinn @Moon Wait fuck phones don't click anymore I look like a dumbass my joke doesn't work :blobpleading:

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