
Guys, to all anti wokes or whatever, I just want you to know that my "leftist" community project just listened a bunch of traditionally WHITE stuff, poor white people stuff like spam (canned ham, cheap food, replacement for bacon) among their sympathetic/empathetic love everybody announcement, so uh, I thought these people were supposed to HATE white people? I thought this was a "race war" or a "culture war" seems to me like it's a lot more gray than you wanted me to think, son :thonktinfoil: I trusted you son and you mislead me, shame, shame on you. I am finding a home with these "leftist faggots", and yea, my ex was mean and shitty and a "leftist", I let that one little personal experience bias me toward your stance and I totally hated "them" after listening to you for a while, but guess what, real leftism is good, not liberalism or the fake caricature of leftism the media portrays (constant REEEEEEEEEEing and retarded takes), just like real rightism is also valid, it's not the caricature the media puts forward of hillbilly idiots filled with hate. I AM TRULY WOKE ONCE MORE, AGAIN I SEE, MY EYES HAVE BEEN UNCOVERED ONCE MORE, OCCUPY AGAIN, OCCUPY AGAIN, UNIFY, UNITE!!!

They were like, "here's a list of culturally important foods" and they had white food there too with all the others, white food of marginalized whites, not rich white food

@Jazzy_Butts wokies, neo-progs, "liberals" BS =/= actual leftism

What you found were actual leftist
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