"That's really what's been missing in my Castlevania experience, Alucard having gay sex" said no one ever
@coolboymew Bruh, are you just finding out about that? It has gotten much worse since then, as in, Tumblrina Shaniqua self-insert characters being forced into the Castlevania animated universe.
@ChristiJunior no, but I had to repost it exactly because of that

"Turning a character black, making her apparently an ex-slave and that she can't stfu about it is really what was missing from the Castlevania lore" said nobody ever

Also black vampires that white belmonts are whipping with a whip :facepalm_y2:
@coolboymew >Also black vampires that white belmonts are whipping with a whip

WTF, I love Netflix now!

@ChristiJunior @coolboymew I would expect nothing less from Shankar. He's the guy who harassed the simpsons into killing Apu (not actually but he's as good as dead). How did an autistic racist indian become so influential? His Daddy's a banker :)

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