> Bob Iger is facing backlash over the decision to make the X-Men 97 character Morph non-binary in the new Disney+ series

ah yes the best kind of representation: completely tacked on in a half-ass pandering fashion by corporate fuckwits.

@icedquinn They just don't want to admit Morph tricking Gambit that one time by pretending to be Rogue and KISSING HIM was very gay. Can't be gay if morph is nonbinary, gay needs to same sex so if morph is some weird nonbinary sex it's therefore not gay. This is gay erasure. Fuck Disney.

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@Jazzy_Butts idk i'm actually not entirely bothered by shapshifters being bi or whatever if that was what the original authors intended all along.

i sincerely doubt that's why they did it, but i also don't buy disney properties so whatever
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