i dislike build guides that rely on used goods.

i saw one this week that is like "how to make a cheap camera rig!" and the guy is buying vintage lenses.

:blobcatez: its cool that you found that, but it's not really reliable.

@icedquinn I like upcycling but I understand your viewpoint, if I was building something I wouldn't want one of the components to be a hard to find or irregular/non replicatable parts.

@Jazzy_Butts i have no problem with and endorse buying stuff used. i have gotten things i really had no business owning through ebay.

i just don't like when someone is making a video like "look at my sub-2000$ camera rig!" and the cornerstone of the build is that he was able to get a leica for 50$ or something.

@icedquinn Yea sounds like cheating kind of. I like photography so I know a little about glass like that it can get expensive fast. I also like glass blowing and forming, such a miracle of chemistry (I'm speaking about liquid/solid transitions in general, it's very cool to me how things can melt/liquify and then recrystallize)

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