
Someone should make a hentai called Dark Library or Forbidden Library or something like that and it's about a loli and shota finding their fathers "secret stash" on the computer and they think their daddy must be a rapist because he has all these naughty videos and they get scared and imagine he's a monster raping them like in the videos and it makes them horny so they're confused then daddy gets home and they're so scared for about a week until they finally confess what they saw because they decide they have to confront him because they might be confused and they need to face their fears, so they do, and daddy sheepishly explains that those are just recordings of events that took place in real life somewhere, sometime, and that he actually had nothing to do with any of them, once the loli and shota relax they confess their fantasies, and their daddy gets embarrassed but tells them that's alright, then the loli/shota duo ask if they could do SOME of those things, but in a nice way...Daddy has to decide then and there what kind of life he wants this existence to be 🤤 (since it's hentai he choses horny existence)

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