Isn’t racism now worse than ever?
Diversity policies, imagine getting hired not because you are talented but because of your skin color
Isn’t that the most racist thing ever?
“Sorry you are the best candidate but unfortunately you are white”
To me that seems like the peak of racism 😭

Isn’t the whole point that we are all equal? Why not hire the best person for the job ignoring the race!

I bring you two examples;

❌ The Little Mermaid, that is forced diversity, that bitch sucks in the role and was only chosen because of her race

⭕️ How To Train Your Dragon, while sure, maybe a dark skinned viking isn’t really accurate, I love Nico Parker and I believe she is capable of bringing Astrid to life

@Fidda what does the actress sucking in the role have to do with her race though? I don't disagree the little mermaid live action was ass. So was The Last Airbender. That movie was hot garbage and they recast the whole movie with white actors in the lead roles. I don't lose my shit at white people though lol.

Respectfully, I think maybe consider it an issue with direction and a studio that produces cash gravy shit instead of blaming the concept of diversity itself being the issue.

@Feralpix Naw movie itself was ass too, but why was her chosen for the role instead of you know, a ginger?

@Fidda becuase they want to win some brownie points and also it creates headlines. And frankly the outrage kind of proves them right. That doesn't mean it’s a bad thing.

With better direction and a studio that isn't creatively bankrupt I think she could have made a great Ariel.

I just think the mindset (respectfully) is kind of unproductive. The red head version of Little Mermiad still exists, and if they had cast a red head the movie would still fucking suck. Its a Disney remake.

@Fidda also just as a side note, and I say this respectfully I don't know what's in your heart. But this idea that diversity policies are somehow leading to underqualified people being picked for jobs is a very old and toxic concept.

Does it happen? I mean at some point probably, anything is possible.

But to generalize every single case of diversity is silly. Maybe the person chosen is from a minority background AND qualified for the job. 1/2

@Fidda 2/2 either can be true but if your issue is the idea of meritocracy then why do we allow nepotism to flourish in our society? What makes the son of a ceo qualified to work at that same company? Something he/she was just born into?

I simply ask that you consid4e things on a case by case basis and not jump to conclusions on someones merits or ability is all

@Feralpix Actually I hate society as a whole because they claim we have “equality of opportunities” but explain to me how I have the same opportunities as someone born into a rich family, who’s going into a private school with the best teachers in the world while I rot in one of the worst cities of Spain

@Fidda from the sound of it it sounds like you don't. If your talking the concept of privilege then its not as simple as “you haveprivelege so life is easy for you weh”

Yes, you might have some traits that make it easier to navigate society, that doesn't mean you don't have hardships. I don't know you personally but your anger is valid. I just ask you consider where that anger should be directed.

@Feralpix oh no no, don’t think I hate black people or any other race at all

Everyone in Spain treat immigrants awfully, like they come here to take our jobs, when in reality the poor souls come here and do the hard jobs nobody wants to do, leaving their families behind just so they can raise enough money to feed all their mouths, I have nothing but respect for that

@Feralpix My problem comes with big companies, like game and movie studios, that don't give a shit about actual diversity, and just fill in a checklist putting the people aside and caring only about how their color or gender will benefit the PR of the company

@Fidda See I agree that at times it is a soulless corporate decision, but at the same time, its not a problem if that makes sense.

What actual material harm is done to the world that more performers and creatives get to tell their stories?

And if your answer is its because some of them suck… then I would point you to all of the media that is predominantly white/male that is just as bad or worse.

@Feralpix Ubisoft comes to mind the most, because you can tell that they don't give a shit about anything and are just chasing trends

I fucking love the history of Yasuke, a fucking slave turned Samurai is an amazing fucking story, and a real one at that

But setting a game in Japan with the vast amount of history it has, and specifically making you play as the only ( or at least only known as far as I'm aware ) black Samurai there was, seems like a bitch of a reach

@Fidda there are literally a shit tons of games set in feudal Japan, they decided to make one about this particular historical figure. I wouldn't call that a reach at all. Like I can maybe agree that they did it as a publicity stunt but again where is the harm? He was a real guy so its a completely valid direction to go.

Whats the issue? Like I'm seriously asking I see no issue with this.

@Feralpix Maybe I'm just watching too much youtube honestly, cuz I don't see the issue of that one myself either :p

@Fidda can I recommend a channel for you? I think I can tell what channels your watching and they are low key cringe lol

@Feralpix I don't think I watch any of the cringe ones, it's the fucking thumbnails and titles I see that make me go "Hm maybe they right"

But sure, go ahead and give me some, I might already be watching them

@Fidda well I just recognize some of your talking points is all haha, but I def recommend this channel if you have the time. He actually breaks down some of the whole “anti diversity” crowd from a objective perspective.

@Feralpix See, again, it just comes down to how shit I am at expressing myself

The only thing I don't like is when it's forced shit done by a shitty company to get points and try to dodge any criticism

like idfk, She-Hulk right, She-Hulk was awful, not because any characters or anything, it was just that the story was fucking awful, but if you critisized that, you are sexist, and the show just wasn't made for you

@Fidda again, all corporate decisions, diversity or no, is all for the sake of money. That's just capitalism 🤮

i mean yeah thats a lazy deflection to say sexism. but the argument the show isn't made for you is a completely valid point.

She hulk was made to be appealing to a general audience and a light comedy. If it didn't work for you then them's the breaks?

I thought it was fine, but forgettable disposable marvel shit. I'm not gonna go and make a youtube rant about it thou lol.

@Fidda if you really REALLY think about it, all art is FORCED in some way or another. So why is a “forced” diversity bad? What would you have instead?

@Feralpix idk i’m getting lost at this point

I’ll just say that I love everyone and don’t have a problem with any race or gender ~~except Spanish gypsies~~

I don’t think I have any real issues with any casting choices besides the little mermaid

@Fidda i mean fair but also I circle back to my point that her race wasn't the issue. And that's why I'm raising my eyebrow on some of your comments.

Is it bad because she’s not a white redhead? Or is it ibecause she didnt do a good job?

If its the first id ask you really think critically on why that's a problem.

And if its the second then fairenough but that has jack all to do with her race.

Its afucking singing mermaid in a fairy tale she could have been any race so who cares?

@Feralpix @Fidda surely the correct answer is both? i've heard it was a bad movie, haven't seen it, so i can't comment. but the race swapping itself is bad because it's an adaptation that isn't being adapted properly

@EscBoy @Fidda i disagree, Ariel’s appearance is incedental to her actual character if you want to really break it down.

In terms of her role in the narrative her most important traits are

-she is a mermaid (duh) who dreams of interacting with humans and being on land

- she has an incredible singing voice, so much so it is what prince Eric is drawn to and looking for in the film.

any young actress with a decent singing voice can fill that part.

@EscBoy @Fidda Adaptions aren't one to one copies of the work they are adapting. If that were the case why would anyone bother watching?

Part of a remake is trying to take things in new directions. At least that's what good remakes should do. So frankly I think the outrage over her not being a one to one copy of the drawing is pretty silly at best and straight up racist at worst.

AND KEEP IN MIND, in the original story she wasn't a red head so if anything the cartoon was a “bad’ adaption.

@Feralpix @Fidda 100% i agree with that last part, the original cartoon was a really shit adaptation.

all dis knee films are. they're shit and i really hate how they became the default for modern fairytales. i loathe it

@EscBoy @Fidda i think your concept of adaptation is a bit limited.

I disagree that they HAD to keep her a white red head purely because that's how it was in the cartoon. There is so much more wrong with that movie than that actress, who I'm sure did the best she could given the circumstances.

Not saying you do this, but I've seen plenty of people use that as a jumping off talking point to just be shitty and racist. People who never even give a shot about the cartoon.

@Feralpix @Fidda i don't like the cartoon (because it itself is a shit adaptations), i just hate shit adaptations on principle. and not even trying to get the actor to resemble the original is immediate grounds to be labelled as a shit adaptation


@EscBoy @Feralpix @Fidda You mean we shouldn't cast the worlds smallest man as Michael Jordan in the Michael Jordan life story movie?

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@Jazzy_Butts @EscBoy @Fidda adapting a fairytale/cartoon isn't the same as adapting a real persons life??? Whats your point?

@Feralpix @EscBoy @Fidda You're not right, Paul Bunyan is a fictional character, his fictional character is known for being a literal Giant, so you're telling me it would be perfectly okay for us to create a Paul Bunyan movie in which we cast a dwarf as Paul Bunyan?

@Jazzy_Butts @EscBoy @Fidda

You're moving the goal post dude. Yeah unless it's like a joke, Paul Bunyan being a giant is integral to that character. Does that mean every version of him has to be white coded though? That's my point.

Nothing about Ariel's character NEEDS to be white or a red head.

Now say if you were to change King T'challa, or Matt Murdoc's daredevil there's an actual argument. Their ethnic identity is tied to their character.

Ariel is a singing mermaid. That's it.

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