Using twitter is really deeply humiliating compared to fedi, because in order gain even a double digit following, you have to pay for premium and then replyguy every single post you see hoping for someone to have mercy on your pitiful soul. On fedi you're going to get engagement whether you like it or not.
@animepfp It's all thanks to the tireless efforts of accounts that specialize in "engagement you would never ask for", like @ForbiddenDreamer
"scientists" are so full of shit.
only planet we know of is earth.
the rest is all theory and pipe dreams.
one of my favorites is that molten core theory.
russia has drilled two bores.
koga in russia and one in saudi arabia. only about 7 miles deep.
thats what we know.
the rest is theory.
There's a lot of lava down there.

But apparently now they believe some of it is more solid than other parts.

You can never verify this
theres plenty of lava. plenty of oil and coal too.
you start a coal seam on fire and eventually it will melt the rock around it and expand to the surface. a better more realistic theory than a molten core coming up thru a crack in the mantle.

@koropokkur @Deplorable_Degenerate @1nter4ri @ForbiddenDreamer @Robert_Edwardly @animepfp scientific illiteracy makes me laugh because it makes me realize that I could trick retards into licking my ass.
The molten nickel core is what gives our planet its magnetic field without it, no magnetic field, this is observable in planets with no volcanic activity, there's no molten core, no magnetic field, and they get fucked by radiation and nothing burns up in their atmosphere so they get fucked by meteors.

@Humpleupagus we don't have a 🤓 in our reaction list and it just vastly hurt my experience on Evening Zoo.
Thank you tech guru. Now for your advice with electronics which are like magic to me give me your lunch money.
Tendies are for dinner and drunken nights.
I once ate a piece of every type of pie at Denny's. Worst hangover ever.
I think it was the same night I saw a nigger throw a brick through the window and the Manager get in a car chase with him because Denny's wouldn't refund the nigger's money after he found a curly black hair in his food. Denny's didn't have any niggers working the kitchen. 😏
Correction. The nigger didn't pay shit. He wanted the meal comped.
"Wafflehouse would have turned him into the next meal"
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Good on that manager. Of course there's curly black hair in the negros food
I hope he didn't have to examine the hair too closely
It disgusts me what negros think they can get away with nowadays
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